As an Energy Worker, one of the questions I hear a lot is how to get what I want? How do I activate the forces of the Universe so things that I want come to me?
The first thing is to is see things as you want them to be...NOW.
A couple of recent experiences may help you understand this. A few days ago I was supposed to lead a healing group at my home. Several people got lost and only three showed up. All of were supposed to be the healers, but one needed help pretty badly.
This woman, an herbal counselor had been feeling alone and isolated for quite some time. She lived in an apartment with a roommate, but had no important relationships in her life. She desperately wanted to find a sense of connection with other.
The only other people there were my friend Sheree, who does therapeutic touch, and me. Both of us put our own form of healing energy into her. At the end of the session this woman had found strength inside her that each of us helped bring out.
What made the difference was all both of our sources of positive energy. They combined into something more powerful than either of us could have accomplished alone. Our friend walked out with new happiness and optimism to take on the world.
Sheree and I experienced our own kind of joy in being part of the process. And that experience got us thinking...wouldn't it be amazing if there was a place where different types of healers could gather under the same roof and combine our gifts? How many other people would experience the same healing power as this woman?
At that moment Sheree and I had a vision of opening a center where different healing practicioners would be available to each client. Nutritionists, counselors, massage therapists, energy workers, these and more would all be available for someone needing to connect with loving, universal energy.
And I knew - living in a world in which it takes money to manifest many of our desires - that investors would be needed for my temple of healing. So I went to a quiet place and found my calm center.
I pictured the investors coming forward. I visualized the enthusiasm they shared for my dream. I pictured the contracts being signed, the building going up, the walls being painted with life affirming colors. I pictured the cheerful sign outside the building. I visualized the first clients having life changing experiences in the building and practice I created.
And here is the most important part... I experienced all of this in the present tense. This is not something I wished for or saw in some distant future. I put myself in a place where it is already here. In my world and loving experience, my center already exists.
I know beyond any doubt my center will come into being. And it is exactly because of this knowing that it will. And the same process can work for anyone who wishes it...including YOU.
What is it you want most? Take a moment to think about it. Clear your mind. Go to your calm center and let your spirit paint a picture. What you desire waits for you there. Picture it happening...right now.
Be in the moment of its creation. If your dream involves, pictures, see them. If it involves sounds, hear them. If it involves feelings, feel them.
What happens every time you do this is the Universe sends you loving guidance in the form of signals you need to create your desire on the physical plane.
Things show up - money, job offers, unexpected opportunities, even thoughts and ideas you hadn't experienced before. You receive all kinds of unexpected signals that are actually signposts pointing you in the direction of what you want.
This is the point where the dreamers are separated from the do-ers. Those who create the reality follow that guidance. They don't hold onto that feeling and let it die quietly. They move past fear and take action. They trust the wisdom that put the opportunity for action there in the first place.
That is why I know I will manifest my center for healing. And for those of you who are willing to follow your see them as if they already exist and go where Spirit leads, you will do the same.
Anna Robles Simon