Sunday, April 20, 2014

How to heal past wounds by Psychic Medium Anna Simon

Blessings ,

Today is Easter Sunday!

As I am a spiritual person and reflect on the lives of my clients and myself when it comes to past emotions and how to heal old wounds. Well I ask for true guidance and love energy as I write this post from the Angels and Divine Source.
  What bounds us to the past? One might ask this? Well it is the fear of the unknown sometime or the doubt within ourselves. Release the bound or as we call it the chain of our past that pulls us down to not allow our happiness flow into our current life. Not trying to get to deep but releasing the past is very important for our future growth. No one saying not to remember our pain but healing it and releasing it will do wonders for our future happiness. So remember this to move forward and manifest love or prosperity into your life you must release any past emotions that keep you from your growth. You as all of us deserves true happiness.  So call upon your Angels to help give you love and the courage to move on from anything that haunts you from your past!
  Many years ago I released this past emotion and now I live a full and happier life. I am truly happy and married a wonderful man. My life is very blessed and I give thanks to the Angels and Divine Source for guiding me to an amazing life!

So ask and you shall receive !

Put your intent out and see it manifest because you believe it and know it to be given to you from the higher conscious!

I be writing different topics weekly on Love, relationships, finances and spiritual growth and much more.

So stay tuned!

To have a private session with me go to :

Psychic Medium Anna Simon