Monday, November 7, 2011

Come join me and see how a day in a life of a Psychic Medium!

A life of a Psychic Medium & Spiritual Teacher is not always easy! I have taken this path to journey on this world to help others! I post so you can all see I too am a normal WIFE,MOTHER,DAUGHTER,SISTER! This journey of the paranormal world and spiritual enlightenment has not come easy to me! But I asked GOD to use me as a tool to help others in there spiritual journey. As I always stated good things don't come so easy! You need to make a decision and stick to it!
I released about two years ago when I was going through another life change! I call it life change but in the spiritual sense it is a higher vibration enlightenment stage! As you all know who have followed me but to give a fresh catch up on what happened. I had everything financially before 2009 hit! In 2009 GOD humbled me due to the fact of me allowing others to take a hold of my dreams and visions! (Never Ever give anyone your power!) Meaning it is good to trust but unfortunately this world is filled with people who like to take more than give! This is why I teach and blog for free! I give back to all but of course we charge for private sessions this is how I live and support my family! This is all I do to help all for nearly 20 years now and I love it!
Its made me who I am and as a Psychic Medium&Spiritual Teacher I am bound to tell you the truth and give you the true guidance from your higher guidance,GOD,Angels,Guides etc..We are all in aligned as one! More are connected and awakened then others but we are ONE! So my mission is to help all no matter what the cost is! My services are affordable and I am very detailed and not only give you answers but solutions! This is why I personally take my time to help you all understand. Back to the true mission of showing you who and why I am human. I am going to blog my feelings I am not ashamed of what I think or feel spirit has led me to tell you all!
This is my views only and insight from my alchemy and higher source but is true to the core! I grew up poor and as a little girl was always different and many other children didn't like me due to me being to withdrawn I see that now! But it was due to me feeling they were not as mature for me to hang out with! I was already speaking with Angels and guides just didn't understand why normal children didn't interest me. Years later I found out that I had to much insight for a child so I kept to myself! So from day one I was already on a mission to help all!
Well back to the now! Almost 20 years has past I lost everything twice and gained it all back 100 times fold! With faith,love,and listening to my Angels and Guides. I give thanks for all spiritual help and positive people in my life as well! I had to let go of some family and friends that were draining but they came back in a better state of mind and spiritual self so they were allowed back into my life! I learned forgiveness and love are the key to unlimited abundance and having true love in your life! As a gift to the world to help all I made my new website     To Show people the true meaning and steps to obtaining it all in your life now! People ask how I am doing with this recession? I say great with new business and more. Has nothing to do with recession has to do with energy and faith! So everyday I give thanks and write weekly goals! Also I chant and work with the higher source to maintain  my divine connection always with GOD.

So today I was led to write you all my insight! I be blogging twice a week. So stay tuned! My teachings and my advice is simple but POWERFUL.

Looking forward to speaking and helping you on your spiritual journey!

Love and Blessings
Anna Robles Simon