Sunday, December 25, 2011

Internationally Known Psychic Medium Anna Simon Predicts for 2012

Blessings to you all!

Merry Christmas you you all from Psychic Medium & Spiritual Teacher Anna Robles Simon! I want to share some predictions that I made for Aol Latino for 2012.

The link is below and you can translated on your computer. Wishing you all love and a prosperous new year!

Psychic Medium & Spiritual Teacher
Anna Robles Simon|dl1|

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Special Message this Morning from Psychic Medium &Spiritual Teacher Anna Robles Simon

Good Morning to you all,

I wake up this morning and do my mantras and affirmations!

Here is one for you all..
"I am now manifesting unlimited abundance to me and all who are around me!"

Say this 3 times this morning.

I give thanks for my kids,husband and family! I give thank for all of you!

I will be working today from 1pm to 8 pm CST~

Love to you all
Anna Robles-Simon

Monday, November 7, 2011

Come join me and see how a day in a life of a Psychic Medium!

A life of a Psychic Medium & Spiritual Teacher is not always easy! I have taken this path to journey on this world to help others! I post so you can all see I too am a normal WIFE,MOTHER,DAUGHTER,SISTER! This journey of the paranormal world and spiritual enlightenment has not come easy to me! But I asked GOD to use me as a tool to help others in there spiritual journey. As I always stated good things don't come so easy! You need to make a decision and stick to it!
I released about two years ago when I was going through another life change! I call it life change but in the spiritual sense it is a higher vibration enlightenment stage! As you all know who have followed me but to give a fresh catch up on what happened. I had everything financially before 2009 hit! In 2009 GOD humbled me due to the fact of me allowing others to take a hold of my dreams and visions! (Never Ever give anyone your power!) Meaning it is good to trust but unfortunately this world is filled with people who like to take more than give! This is why I teach and blog for free! I give back to all but of course we charge for private sessions this is how I live and support my family! This is all I do to help all for nearly 20 years now and I love it!
Its made me who I am and as a Psychic Medium&Spiritual Teacher I am bound to tell you the truth and give you the true guidance from your higher guidance,GOD,Angels,Guides etc..We are all in aligned as one! More are connected and awakened then others but we are ONE! So my mission is to help all no matter what the cost is! My services are affordable and I am very detailed and not only give you answers but solutions! This is why I personally take my time to help you all understand. Back to the true mission of showing you who and why I am human. I am going to blog my feelings I am not ashamed of what I think or feel spirit has led me to tell you all!
This is my views only and insight from my alchemy and higher source but is true to the core! I grew up poor and as a little girl was always different and many other children didn't like me due to me being to withdrawn I see that now! But it was due to me feeling they were not as mature for me to hang out with! I was already speaking with Angels and guides just didn't understand why normal children didn't interest me. Years later I found out that I had to much insight for a child so I kept to myself! So from day one I was already on a mission to help all!
Well back to the now! Almost 20 years has past I lost everything twice and gained it all back 100 times fold! With faith,love,and listening to my Angels and Guides. I give thanks for all spiritual help and positive people in my life as well! I had to let go of some family and friends that were draining but they came back in a better state of mind and spiritual self so they were allowed back into my life! I learned forgiveness and love are the key to unlimited abundance and having true love in your life! As a gift to the world to help all I made my new website     To Show people the true meaning and steps to obtaining it all in your life now! People ask how I am doing with this recession? I say great with new business and more. Has nothing to do with recession has to do with energy and faith! So everyday I give thanks and write weekly goals! Also I chant and work with the higher source to maintain  my divine connection always with GOD.

So today I was led to write you all my insight! I be blogging twice a week. So stay tuned! My teachings and my advice is simple but POWERFUL.

Looking forward to speaking and helping you on your spiritual journey!

Love and Blessings
Anna Robles Simon

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Come and See a Day &Life with International Recognized Psychic Medium Anna Robles Simon

Good Morning all,

I was led to write this morning. I received an email about me doing individual teachings on a one to one basis. Well I have to say I am thrilled but I have many request and this is why I created to reach the masses of people and teach all at once! I am not only a Psychic Medium& Spiritual Teacher but a Mom & Wife.  I am about to write how my day begins and ends.

First  I wake up and give thank to GOD for another day! Then I brush my teeth and wash my face lol.. Of course right! Then I take my iphone play my mantras to Laskmi and chant while I go to the other side of the house and wake up my 12 year old son! As he gets dressed I make him his healthy lunch and breakfest for the morning.

As he eats I listen to laskmi chants music which are beautiful and you can find them on my youtube channel under manifestingtruthcom . So I finish making my son and yes my husband lunch to take. Once I drink my coffee or tea . I write 108 times in a journal OM SHREEM BREEZ.  Love that energy and has helped me in many ways!

Then I finish and give thanks to GOD and Laskmi by signing my journal in the page! I post on my iphone facebook and twitter blessings. Then I send my son to school. I go back to the master bedroom and get into bed and awaken my husband with love and affection which he loves! Then he awakes and gets his coffee as he does that I get ready to go workout with him!

Going to the gym is an important routine for him and I to stay healthy! Me and My husband go workout for an hour then return and I make him breakfest he gets ready for work and leaves.

At this point I am ready to work myself and take clients from 1pm to 8pm CST. Which I am usually booked the prior day! So my day is always busy. In lunch time my daughter Sara always joins me before heading to work and school herself! My oldest is always gone running and to school herself so I hardly see her until late evening.

After lunch it is non stop emails phone calls,clients,projects ect...

From 3pm to 4pm CST I take a break to tend to my son make quick healthy dinner for everyone then back to work as I eat quickly.

So by the time I finish it is late 8pm or so. Once my husband gets home at 8pm due to him working from 11pm to 7 pm he gets home by 8pm got to love Dallas traffic lol..Anyways we sit and having healthy light dinner then it is off to bed as me and my husband talk and watch our favorite shows and the rest is private lol..;-)

So see I am a busy person on a mission to help awaken humanity and that they too can be happy in all areas of there lives! I am a real Wife,Mother,Aunt,Daughter,Spiritual Teacher,Psychic Medium,Humanitarian,Business woman!

But I always make time to help all!

Thought I let you in my world for one day! So please be patient when you email me I will get back to you one on one from me you will personally hear back from! Sessions are done from purchase time within 24 hours no later!

If you want more information on my services please go to

To join my Spiritual and Psychic Community go to

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Come and See why you should join Spiritwithinreach Community!

Be happy. Be successful. Be empowered. Everything is within reach. Attract positive outcomes to all areas of your life!
Anna Robles Simon is not only a Psychic Medium but also a Spiritual Teacher. She will advise you on your life questions, as well as, provide solutions through tools & techniques that have worked for herself and thousands of her clients and students!
On SpiritWithinReach you will find a genuine loving community that requires nothing more than your presence. You can blog, post bulletins, and chat live with Anna & other community members! So join us and experience a truly empowering community. Let's all succeed together!

SpiritWithinReach is not only about spiritual empowerment, its also about psychic advice, paranormal issues, dreams, laws of attraction, spiritual businesses, love relationships, and much more. You will learn how to connect with your Angels and guides; and how to use prayer, mediation, and chants properly! This is only the tip of the iceberg, there is so much more to share!!!
Help spread the word and tell a friend! There's enough abundance…

So come join and its FREE!

Lets help one another make a difference!

Come and Join its Free !


Psychic Medium&Spiritual Teacher
Anna Robles Simon

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How to attractive your Soul mate now by Psychic Teacher by Anna Simon

Blessings to you all,

Today is a wonderful and blessed day. I was led to write about how to attract your true love into your life. I read for a lot of woman and men who are looking for the one. As you know when you look into yourself and know what you are truly looking for the one will be put into your path. As you know life has a funny way of teaching us lessons. But those lessons make us stronger and more wiser to what we want to manifest in our lives.

There are some tools to help you pull in the right person into your life. I will list it below.

1. First list the things you are looking for in a partner.
2. List the things you don't want in a partner.
3. Write out what you will bring into the relationship
4. Write a description of your ideal mate (be realistic in your goals)
5. Write it in a private journal or a letter.
6. After you are done take the note and put it in a private place.
7. You must take action (You can't expect your ideal partner to knock on your door take action and get yourself out there again.)

Remember and say this affirmation below


Say this three times in the morning and night.

If you follow this list above you will find your partner within 3 months.

Blessings to you

Come and talk to your Angels and Guides Today

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A daily life of a Psychic Medium & how I help all with my Mediumship.

Blessings to you all ,

My name is Anna Simon known to many as Psychic teacher Anna Simon. I am a Psychic Medium & Spiritual Teacher ,Lecture,Radio Host. But my main ability is to see the otherside. Meaning yes I can see people and animals and all living things that have passed over to the otherside. As a child at 11  years old I was awaken by light and an Angel appeared and shown me the mission I would embark on which fast forward has come to pass. Now as a Psychic Medium I am able to not only see the otherside but communicate with them as well. I can translate the energy and pin point location of there passing or how they passed. Yes they come to me and I can see them like I would see any normal human being. But the difference is that I have the ability to choose to help them manifest and show themselves through my energy field to others that are requesting the reading its self! 
     I have been asked if I get tired and the answer would be NO. I use GOD energy to protect me and keep me not tired and full of loving energy! So I know how to turn off the gift and turn it on when requested a mediumship. Usually my mediumship requires a full hour due to all the information that comes in. I do use this gift to help many in the paranormal field and in the past been filmed and gone to different locations to help the experts in researching there quest! This is a special and blessed gift that I take pride in helping others heal in the world and connect to there loved ones from the otherside! So please understand that I am not a typical PSYCHIC MEDIUM but one that can actually remote view persons,locations and more. I take full pride in my work and only do so many mediumships a week! Yes I do a lot of Love Psychic Readings and it helps many but my main and dedication is helping others with my mediumship!
      I never take it for granted and I respect the otherside and if negative comes in I send it back with love and light always! I do protect myself and others that work with me when I do this paranormal side of my business because it can get very interesting at times and you must protect yourself always with the right tools and prayers in form of love and from the right place which is GOD energy! So I am just a normal woman with a GIFT to help others heal through messages from beyond! So if you ever need help with paranomal questions of any type or need help with a case or just want to connect to a loved one who has passed.

Email me from my website.

Love and Light
Psychic Teacher Anna Simon

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Today adventures with Psychic Teacher Anna Simon

To dream is to know that dreams do come true! Use your imagination to know that as you visualize it is being created! Believe and know that dreams are real it is us who can make them into reality! See it,know it, be it! Thank you GOD for giving me the gift of dreaming! 

At times I might post a lot sometimes I might post a little. But it still helps you obtain your goals to manifest all in your life! As I been a psychic teacher for over 14 years now specialize in Love and Life issues. I vowed to help all obtain there happiness through DIVINE love. Today I am hosting my radio show at 5 pm CST. You can find the link on this post to my site which has a page to my show. I will be doing mini live psychic readings plus giving tools live to help you in your quest for a happier and balance life!

Dreams can come true !

Love and Light

Anna of the Light

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Exciting New Radio Show with Psychic Teacher &Love Psychic Anna Robles Simon

Good afternoon,

Due to the holiday weekend I didn't post but will be posting many blogs. I am wishing you all a blessed week first of all! I am Psychic Teacher & Love Psychic Anna Robles Simon. I have a weekly radio show which comes on every Thursday at 5pm CST. I invite you all to come and listen and call in to receive some free advice. I do only answer one question due to the extreme call volume of people waiting to get a chance to talk to me. So please be fair when calling in. I am here to help all if you looking for an detailed Psychic Love Reading then please schedule a reading after the show and I will give you one on one session to help you with your Love and Life issues. Below is my link to my radio show.  If you wish to call in and ask a question Live on Air please call in from 5:00pm to5:30pm CST. The number is (323)443-7431.

I look so forward to hearing you  and thank you for listening to my live show every Thursday at 5pm CST.

If you wish to schedule a Session click on this link :-)
Anna Robles Simon

Listen to internet radio with Anna Robles Simon on Blog Talk Radio

Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday blog and great tools for daily blessings by Psychic Teacher Anna Robles Simon

You to can have all your blessings in your life Now!

Blessings to you all,

I created this blog to help you all on your spiritual growth and journey! Just because I have psychic gifts I am mostly here to help you achieve all your blessings as a Psychic Teacher and as a Psychic Medium and Love Psychic and lecture! I use all my GOD given gifts to help you with your own Angels and Guides. So please comment of my blogs or email me if you have any questions? Also I will be blogging mostly everyday to help all in there spiritual journey! I see my gifts as helping humanity rise to there highest potiential.

So here is my first written lesson to you all!

First in the morning give thanks for all your blessings you recieved in the past weeks. Either write it on a journal or say it out loud!

Do this once a week or as I do it daily!

Love and Blessings to you all,

Psychic Teacher and Love Psychic Anna Robles Simon

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Back on and ready to help all~Introducing my new website!

            Clairvoyance, Mediumship, Channeling, Your Angels and Spirit Guides have guided you to me. "ACCURATE, Honest, Authentic, Destiny, Life & Love Readings

           Anna's provided private readings in person and over the phone for over twelve years. Since 1997, she's proved her skills work just as easily long distance as they do in person, performing accurate phone readings that are as effective as her one-on-one private readings. Becoming in perfect tune with the energies through the phone is a talent that gives her much pride. By her tallies, she's counseled over 3,000 clients over the years and the numbers continue to climb! She's also read for many celebrities on a confidential basis, always respecting a client's request for privacy. On her radio show, she's conducted live readings with well known people and groups in the paranormal field, and as a Medium, she uses her gifts to bring comfort for those going through the grieving process. In 2008, she was selected for a documentary detailing her incredible life, focusing on how she's helped others succeed. One of the producers was Emmy Award winner, Mike Robles, colleague to the famous George Lopez. Spirit willing, she expects to complete this project sometime this year. Always keeping busy, she's spoken at conferences and has accepted many speaking engagements throughout the United States and Mexico. In future, she looks forward to making a special guest appearance in the lives of her clients, all of whom will assuredly benefit from her amazing talents.
She's a mother of four: two girls and two boys, from ages ten to eighteen. One of her sons has a disability, but is gifted in seeing the other side, a talent that she feels can be attributed to his disability. With a Cancer moon and Cancer sun in her natal chart, her super sensitivity goes hand in hand with her psychic abilities. Anna loves to workout and make people smile and laugh. True to her Cancerian nature, cooking is one of her favorite hobbies. She also enjoys traveling and learning new things. Though she lives in Dallas, Texas, she is a native of Southern California and loves the beach. She also enjoys trips to the lake, being in the mountains, and, come to think of it, there just is not much in nature she doesn't adore. At heart, she's a down-to-earth woman, with a dash of humor, and a splash of special gifts thrown into the mix to help others on their journey!
Come and get a true session with Love Psychic and Psychic Teacher! Why should you settle for less? She is in a loving relationship let her show you how to obtain and heal your relationships now!   
  By using my God Given Talents no situation or question is beyond my ability to answer with the exceptions of those that you are meant to learn as a life lesson for those I cannot interfere.Free will does come into play.So listen to the guidance and use it and you will get results fast!
            Disclaimer:" Anna advice is not warranted Anna doesn't give medical diagnosis and I don't give advice on breaking the Law. Use you own Judgment on your life decisions. Readings are meant for guidance involved your situations you are asking about there is a window of anywhere from 98.9 % accuracy rate on future occurances.You destiny truly does lie within you!

Click here to go to Psychic Teacher Anna Simon website

 Love and Light
 Anna Robles Simon