Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August 1st Daily Journal of a Spiritual Teacher Anna Robles Simon

Welcome everyone! I know I been away with lots of work and projects. But I am now here and will be posting weekly.
I am here to help guide you in all you need. Spiritual ,Paranormal and Coaching on all life issues. Today is Wens day and I am excited to start my new adventure through my blog. Being a Spiritual Teacher is not always a easy journey. I am still a wife,mother,daughter and most of all GODs tool to help many on there journey!
I am a normal woman with spiritual gifts given to me by Divine. I am human like you just master my gifts to help all. Yes I been through many bad times but always with GOD grace survived and accomplished all my desires.
You ask how I did it? Well I will be blogging weekly tools and divine information plus my daily journal personal information to show you I am a real person who wants to make a difference in this world by empowering you all!
So be ready to follow my daily life as well as learning how to empower and prosper your life with tools,guidance and much more.

Anna Simon

" You are a child of a loving GOD and you are loved and prosper always."

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dallas Psychic Medium Anna Simon Daily Teachings

Love is a Divine Gft!!

Today is May 30th 2012

I am home relaxing and thinking how to help humanity! As a Psychic Medium and Spiritual Teacher for over 16 years now! I come to a point in my life that it is time to make great change and empower people who strive to help others!As I say to GOD the spoken words "I AM ONE WITH DIVINE UNITY AND I DARE TO OPEN ALL CONNECTIONS TO HELPING ALL NOW! It is very important to understand why I am so lead to help others. I never was guided by a person on this earth! My true guidance came from the Angels and God's grace. I never thought my life would be this blessed although at times in the past years I had to learn lessons that would change my life and lifestyle but keeping my faith has always brought me true success. As a mother of 4 and 3 of those children are grown has brought me strength in helping others evolved to there true purpose in life! Well enough said I will be blogging weekly only due to my hectic schedule and travels. If you have questions please comment or email me at my website which will be below at the end of this page! Remember you hold the key to your destiny!

Give thanks daily and ask GOD to bless you with your request!

I pray twice a day and give thanks as well.

Here is my website at

Love and Light
Anna  Simon

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Psychic Medium Tells all~ Share daily Psychic Adventures

Blessings to you all this evening!

I been away only due to being busy with projects and teaching others. In the upcoming weeks I will be teaching and blogging daily Psychic Adventures and teachings on how to be empowered daily! I am in the process of moving and be settled within two weeks. Stay tune and tell all..Read all my previous blogs and enjoy!

Love and Light
Anna Simon