Saturday, June 23, 2007

Dreams and there Meaning~Why do Angels talk to us in our Dreams~

When we dream were do we go within ourselves? Or Do we go to the otherside? Simple answer when we dream we are in the higher consious level. Our Angels can be more communicative when we are in the dreaming stage. This is why I always keep a journal by my bed. Have you ever had a stranger in your dream talk to you and give you advice? If the answer is yes most likely that is your Angel coming in your dreams and talking to you.

This is why I say keep a journal by your bed and when you wake up write what you remember because most likely you are receiving messeges from you Angels and guides. Sometimes these messeges don’t make sense when you are dreaming but in the days to come after your dream they will reveal what it means. Before you sleep ask your Angels and guides to answer your true question through your dreaming stage. For example say “Angels I am now going to sleep and I need an answer on my new career?” So when you sleep most likely within the next few days you will receive that answer.

Dreams that seem so real are not just dreams. We sometimes are astral traveling to a higher level of the energy fields. Don’t ever feel fear. You are safe and protected and will always come back to your body. We have life cords yes life cords that pull us back into our body when it is time to wake up. Be aware that you and your dreams have meaning and all will manifest and you will see positive results in your life. As I dreamed when I was a little girl never knowning how psychic I was. I had a dream which at the time being 5 I didn’t really know what a dream was an Angel came to me and said “When you are an adult you will be a spiritual teacher and psychic medium”

At the time I had no clue what that meant so I brushed it off. Years later I did a regression and remembered what dream and messeges I had when I was 5. I was being told to get ready for my spiritual and life journeys. Well I am so greatful for those messeges because now I can tell all of you with experience that dreams do have deep meanings and journaling will bring more answers due to the fact that later after you finishing writing your journal your subconsious will start to remember what your Angels were trying to say.

So please start Journaling and before you go to bed ask for an answer from your Angels and guides to any question you would like to be answer. Watch the results and if you had any experiences please leave a comment on this dream blog and I will respond to it.
Remember Dreams do mean many things and Angels do come to you always in different ways but especially through your dreams.

Anna Robles Simon

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