Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Psychic Medium daily tools for success

Good morning ,

As I wake up at 6 am I give thanks to the creator for another day on this world. As I am about to get up and do my daily chant which is done 108 times

"OM Shreem breeze Lakshmi Namaha "

Once I finish I send an intent to make no less then my goal with my clients today! And I also ask for my husband to receive news of a perfect job for perfect pay!

This is my daily morning routine! Then I am going to get coffee and wake up my 14 year old son for school and give him breakfast! Then the phone rings setting up the next day of client session and I doing my others sessions today from the previous day !

Still have to do a video to send to a casting agent so looking forward to that!

And then prepare dinner as I make lunch. The day goes by so fast and finally at the end dinner and then at 7 pm Zumba with my son for excersise on the wii!

Point is that I am grateful for a full day when others don't live another day on this earth! Make this the best day ever!
And never take anything for granted ❤️

Have a blessed Morning 

Psychic Medium Anna Simon


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