Saturday, March 15, 2014

Psychic Medium Anna Simon tells all!

Good Morning ,

Today is Saturday the 15 of March 2014. I am writing this blog once a week due to my hectic schedule. My blog will include love relationship solutions and how to manifest all. Plus answers to any supernatural questions you might have.
   Today I want to talk about giving thanks in the morning and how to ask the creator to bring forth what you desire into your physical plane now. To bring what you want into your life you need to ground yourself and make sure you know what you desire without a doubt!

1. Give thanks to the creator for the things you have already in your life.

2. Release all negative emotions of any person,place or situation that is holding you back from receiving divine blessings!

3. Forgive ! Yes forgiveness of anyone or anything that has hurt you or caused you pain. This is a hard one to do but it needs to be done so you can heal! Doesn't mean you have to forget but forgive is the key!

4. Make sure you focus on one thing and say out loud your request early morning I do it at 6:30 am . Say it with full meaning and no doubt!

5. Say thank you for hearing my request and allow some time to manifest! It will happen very shortly most of the time!

If it doesn't happen fast redo it !

This is a great tool to use to manifest daily!

Have a blessed Saturday!

Psychic Medium
Anna Simon

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